Roman Lettering, with Don King
We are privileged to welcome Don King, our instructor for the October program and workshop. Don is a local calligrapher and Past-President of the Triangle Calligraphers Guild.
Don will lead us through a one-day workshop focused on Roman lettering, both majuscules and minuscules.
The morning session will be free to all Guild members. The afternoon workshop will cost $40, payable by cash or check ($45 by Paypal). See Registration section below for Paypal payment info.
Morning Session
1.5 hours – Basic characteristics of the minuscule letters. Following a brief demo/ talk, the students will begin writing the minuscules using a 2mm pen and an observe-and-repeat worksheet.
1 hour – Characteristics of the majuscules. After a brief demo/talk the students will use a observe-and-repeat worksheet to practice the majuscule letters.
Lunch Break
Afternoon Workshop
40 minutes – Demo/talk on pen sharpening, Mr. King’s Higgins ink formula, using gouache, razor correction technique, use of sandarac and writing with a base line only.
1.4 hours – The students will write their own words, first on pre-lined (base line only) practice paper, then on pre-lined good-quality paper to be provided.
The use of dip pens and ink will be encouraged, but the students’ choice of 2mm broad edged instrument is OK.
Morning Session
- Each student’s usual working kit, plus:
- A 2mm pen: Brause 2mm, Tape 2mm or Speedball #C3 (I will have 2mm Tapes for $1 each) OR student’s choice of 2mm tool
- A brush for mixing and pen filling (#6 round watercolor – the cheapest available) I like the NB-38 Silverado or Princeton Brush Co., but any will do
- Black ink – preferably Higgins Eternal
- Water container, for pen cleaning
- Slanted board: preferable for any writing, but necessary to control ink flow when using pen & ink
- Artist’s or masking tape
- A pen/brush rest
- A pillow, for elevation mainly, but for comfort too
Afternoon Session
- Each student’s usual working kit, plus the morning list, plus:
- Black gouache + a favorite color if you wish
- Two water cans, for washing then rinsing pens & brush
- A pallet for mixing colors, if you wish
- Two or three favorite poems or prose, each about 20-30 words
Meet Your Instructor
A fixture in the North Carolina calligraphic community for over 40 years, Don King took up writing after a long career as an Army Special Forces soldier. His hobby became his vocation when, in 1987, he became a full-time calligrapher and lettering artist.
Mr. King is a Past-President of the Triangle Calligrapher’s Guild and life-member. He creates resolutions, certificates, and other engrossed works of all descriptions. You can learn more about his work on his website.
Meeting Details
Date and Time
October 14th, 2023 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, program; with workshop after.
100 W Lochmere Dr, Cary, NC 27518
We meet in the school portion of the church, on the second floor. As you enter the building, the stairs are on the left for those who are able and an elevator is directly ahead and to the left if needed.
The cost to attend the afternoon workshop is $40.00 by check/cash ($45 by Paypal).
To make an online payment: click here for Paypal registration
Or to send your payment through the mail, send a check to The Triangle Calligraphers Guild, through our treasurer, Luann Bacchi.
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