Italic Lettering, with Connie Furgason
A two-part workshop on Saturday, April 9th, 2022
Connie Furgason will be with us teaching Italic Lettering via Zoom for the usual morning session from 10-1 p.m., and an afternoon workshop, 1:30-4:30 p.m., on her Italic Lively Letters and a hint of watercolor work.
Morning Session, Italic Lettering
Our monthly morning meeting, from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for all members, on Zoom only!
Whether you are starting from the beginning or are very familiar with italic and want to brush up on your skills, you will find what you need in this class. Even as “seasoned” calligraphers we sometimes miss small details which can make or break the elegance of our lettering. We will take basic italic and, with some small nuances, create a gentle dance in your lettering.
Afternoon Workshop Session, Italic Lively Letters
This workshop will be held from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., on Zoom
Connie will be teaching her dancing Italic with a splash of watercolors on the side. We will take the basic italic alphabet and with variations to different elements of the letters, we will create texture, contrast, as well as adding a “dance” to the alphabet.
There is no cost for the morning guild session.
The afternoon workshop session is $25.00 per member, and since we are on Zoom, there is an unlimited number of seats available for this class! All interested will be included.
To register for the workshop, payment may be made through the Connie Furgason Workshop Paypal link or by sending a check to Triangle Calligraphers’ Guild via Luann Bacchi at 7105 Havenwood Drive, Raleigh, NC. 27616.
Please note, if you are not currently a member and would like to sign up for this workshop, please become a TCG member, see paypal membership payment.
All students are encouraged to practice from the preliminary exemplars in advance of the class which will help prepare the students for the workshop: handouts at Member Downloads page.
Supply List
Favorite practice pad, pencil, ruler
Favorite Ink: Sumi, Higgins Eternal, Pelikan 4001, walnut… whatever your preference. You may work in gouache if you prefer.
Pen Nib Size: Speedball C1,2 and 3 or equivalent size in another brand. I like the flexibility of the Speedball nibs when doing variations of italic.
About Connie Furgason
Connie Furgason was raised on a farm in southern Alberta where her love of nature and the vastness of the prairie is expressed in her work. Her mother was an accomplished artist, gardener and creative soul.
She grew up with the scent of turpentine as her mother painted long into the night after she and her three brothers were asleep. Those influences sent Connie in many artistic directions. She started teaching calligraphy and related arts in 1982. Connie travels across Canada and the US teaching for guilds, private studios and has been part of the faculty at several international lettering arts conferences.
Connie loves the written word and uses her own text in her work expressing it through a variety of different mediums including watercolour, acrylic and mixed media. Her work has been published by art distribution companies and her originals have found many lovely new homes in Canada and the US.
She loves sharing a variety of art techniques with students of all levels and seeing the joy experienced as they discover their own artist within. She loves the prairie, the mountains, the ocean and especially the gift of her four children and four grandchildren. Currently, she lives in Lethbridge, Alberta Canada, just 45 minutes from the Rocky Mountains, with her husband Kevin (another creative soul).”
“Find joy daily in the simple offerings…in the splendour of nature, cherished moments with family and friends and the enchanted pathways waiting to be discovered as art exploration expands our view of what lies at our feet. Words by Connie
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