TCG 2-day Workshop Weekend:
February 27 and 28, 2016, 9am – 5pm
Note: see below for Workshop Supply List
In this class, the humble pencil and its relatives become powerful tools in creating many effects from subtle to stunning. We will use pencils, erasers, graphite sticks/blocks, powdered graphite and their water-soluble cousins to explore the possibilities of this medium for creating refined works of art to quickly made drawings in our sketchbooks.
See more info in flyer: Sharp Pencil 2 day class: description
Amity Parks is an artist and calligrapher living in Missoula, Montana. She travels within the US and internationally, teaching workshops. For more information and artwork, Amity is on Facebook and has the website,
Graphite Workshop:
Other details:
The cost for this weekend workshop will be $120 for TCG members.
Location: The workshop will held at:
La Quinta Inn (behind Crabtree Mall), 2211 Summit Park Lane, Raleigh, NC, 27612.
To sign up for the waiting list for this workshop, contact us at:
Here is the Supply List from Amity Parks:
• Mechanical Pencil- 0.5 or 0.3 and leads
• A few drawing pencils in various hardness’ (6B, 4B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H). Bring whatever you have already.
• Graphite stick or woodless graphite pencil (4B or 6B)
• Water-soluble graphite stick-Lyra 6B or 9B (Look for the water drop on the label)
• Art Graf Black Carbon Water-Soluble Ink Block
• Kneaded eraser
• White eraser stick: Preferably the Tombow Mono zero round, or PaperMate ‘Tuff Stuff’
• Your favorite writing tools (larger sizes of nibs, ruling pens, automatic pens, brushes, etc) (You won’t need any ink…trust me)
• Blending Stump (I’ll have some for purchase if you need)
• X-acto knife, blades and small pencil sharpener (no motors please)
• Steel Ruler
• Large soft flat brush for wetting paper
• Paper- Strathmore 400 series drawing paper (any size) or whatever similar you have at home. Few pages of any other papers you want to try.
• Paper- A few pieces of Arches text wove and/or Arches hot press watercolor paper or any cheaper mixed media/watercolor or heavyweight paper that you have already.
• Paper towels, water container, small spray bottle
• A short quote or a few words you like to write (5-10 words or so)
• Drawing Board/ padded surface to work on.
• Not required, but for your info: The sketchbook I use and recommend is the Moleskine 7.5” x 10” Plain Soft Cover Notebook.